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Tascam US-122
Psyclik Psyclik
Published on 12/26/05 at 03:25
I bought this interface to record one (or two) guitars with effects in real time.
I took the tascam because in an emergency, c'tait only available in my price at my local dealer.
On my Xp1800 +, MSI motherboard chipset Via, never had a problem. Same on my laptop XP-M 2500 + (via chipset).

I use it to record everything that goes through my head is saying, microphone, guitar, bass, keyboard, again via jack. Everything goes well trs.
I test only once for MIDI, I had no particular bp.


Installation nickel on my two machines, recognition by Windows XP a little long.
Configuration: there is no or almost: rglage buffers only, and it fits me dpouill trs well as ca.
Manual: uh, one case there are any, it is frankly useless.


Drivers trs stable, occasional updates, I've never not of significant amlioration through them.
I use Tracktion and Buzz, I get latencies inaudible, so good trs.
The sound quality is nickel, dcrochages few times in the sound when I really put a lot of VSTs / BuzzMachines, but one look at my monitors Systm makes me think it just my CPU, no the map.


I use it for a little over a year and a half, I love the ease of use, it brance, we plug the guitar, and it works.
What I do not like? the knobs a bit "cheap".
I have been able to test an M-Audio (remember the model, dsl) and an Edirol (FA-101 firewire), trs is good too, but much more complex and ultimately less direct, less "rock".

I achect around 300 euros the era is a bit expensive, but hey, it works well even trs, so I'm not complaining, and ultimately, the choice I would do certainly .

Note: although there are tools for prvus I never russi run linux the card often, Maoist alternative, abstain.