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Los Teignos
Available for paying and non-paying job offers
Site Admin - AF member since 07/19/2002
- 50 years
Former gear85 products
Current gear246 products
Wishlist6 products
How to contribute?
- Give your opinion on the products of your past or current equipment.
- Give feedback on the stores you have purchased from.
- Answer questions in the forums.
- Write tutorials on the products you master.
- Suggest news items.
- Complete the product sheets.
- 2009 : L'anniversaire (2 titles - self-produced)
Music genres
Led Zep, Hendrix, les Beatles, les Stones, Souchon, Théfaine, Brel, Brassens, Radiohead, Buckley et pleins d'autres trucs (du garage 60's à l'electro actuelle en passant par Elvis Presley, Chris Whitley, Tom Waits, Pantera ou Django Rheinardt).