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NTS Audio Drum Loop Updated To v1.1

NTS Audio has updated Drum Loop to v1.1.

New features:
  • One mouse click to generate 100 drum loops.
  • All loops are disposed in progressive musical order on the MIDI keyboard.
  • MIDI recognition on all knobs for external controller use.
  • One mouse click to save all the loops together into a folder (from 4 to 64 beats).
  • Single loop saving and Live session saving enabled.
  • Customizable kick Sidechain compressed output for the “best groove ever”.
  • 4 types of “Brain” and 2 types of “Core” mean different types of intelligent randomization inside.
  • BPM or Host Synchronization.
  • Live playable in legato mode.
  • Loading user wave samples folders enabled for all the channels.
  • One mouse click to load more than 1000 sounds for each channel.
  • Swing/Groove control.
  • Filter (8-poles super resonant).
  • Samples start and end points customization.
  • Kick Booster.
  • Documentation on board (click on the labels).
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