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Stretch That Note DruMM Elements Series 2

Stretch That Note announced the second product in their DruMM Elements range of sample based drum-layering instruments.

While the first series focused on kick sounds, DruMM Elements Series 2, which is available in both Kontakt and raw WAV format, provides an array of acoustic and electronic snares, with an emphasis on the weird and wonderful.


Like all DruMM modules, these are based on Native Instruments’ Kontakt sampling software. If you don’t have Kontakt, you can buy the DruMM elements sample layers as a collection of well organised WAV files.


Pricing & Availability:

All the DruMM Elements Series 2 instruments are available for download now from www.stretchthatnote.com, where you’ll also find demonstration videos. Each module costs $10, but all six modules can be bought for $50.


Check out www.stretchthatnote.com for more details.

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