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Kreativ Sounds TB-303 Bass Line

Kreativ Sounds has released LOOPS TB-303 Bass Line, a collection of 52 loops featuring the sounds of the Roland TB-303 synth.
Acording to KS, “each loop is a signature sound on its own, ” so you will not find multiple processed variations of the same loops, all are original (created and recorded by Kreativ Sounds) and all are royalty free, the company says.

TB-303 Bass Line features:
  • 52 TB-303 acid and bassline loops as 44KHz/24bit REX, ACIDized WAV and Apple AIFF, virtually compatible with all audio software, hardware sequencers or groove boxes.
  • all future minor updates with fixes and new sounds are free.

KS LOOPS TB-303 Bass Line is available for as little or much as you want (“pay-what-you-wish”).

More info and audio demos are available at www.kreativsounds.com/ks-loops-tb-303-bass-line.
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