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Logelloop multitrack looper updated to v4.2

Logelloop, a French multitrack looper software for Mac OS X has recently been updated to v4.2, with many new features.

According to the developers, performances of Logelloop 4 have been greatly enhanced regarding to v3, with an improved kernel that reduces latency and boosts plug-in use.

New features have also been added, such as the ability to insert effects to all inputs, tracks and aux, added LFO, new plug-ins (compressor, EQ, ping-pong delay and tremolo), the ability to use Max for Live devices and enriched video player integration with HD support. You can also play MP3 files and a normalize feature has been added to the loop editor.

This new version also brings many improvements and fixes, the team is aware that you audio clicks can be heard when part of a loop is selected in the loop editor, which will be fixed in version 4.3.

Logelloop is available for 99 € and you can download a trial version from www.logelloop.com. The software is currently available on Mac OS X only, a Windows edition is planned.


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