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« OK but too heard »
Published on 10/09/12 at 11:09With vertion play, cling to install! I got picked twice. Follow the letter manual. Verily.
Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz
Can largely run with a less powerful processor-
Ram: 7GB
The 64-bit is really not a luxury for the provided orchestrations. It can run with less but it will play with the hard disk streaming and freezing tracks (less stable and more binding).
Why on earth have come out Play? By kontakt report (vertion compleat) the possibilities are ridiculous. Frustrating. Performance, they, have well amliors and I say nothing with cubase 5 on Windows 7 64bit.
I use it for 5 years Adi ocasionellement (I'm not a pro)
It is imperative to have some orchestration concepts to draw something right. I command in complete beginner, persuaded to get out of the music as sharp as demos. Alas, I have broken tooth and almost dcourag. It took a year to use acharn finally get something.
Attention programing work on this bank is asssez consquent compared to more modern banks. The possibilities of expression are fairly limits (no lgato sampl and some intruments sound pretty bad in certain contexts. This virtual orchestra is clearly comfortable in his "blockbuster".
The sound is surpassed globalament and surtou heard too! Vidos Games, pubs, and other documentary thalassa ... Once you start to use this bank, you realize that "it is used everywhere (more or less for that matter)! Some instruments are almost unusable because immediately reconaissables (marcato cellos, trombones, timpani ...)
EWQLSE is my conaissance Ochestre the most complete in this price range with VSL SE (more realistic but also more lean in the sound) and Albion (the latter can be less versatile).
It is an effective tool to model. For added ralime, we orientra to tools like spcialiss LASS, Holywood brass, holywoodwinds, Adagio ... This is not the same budjet nor the same sound!
Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz
Can largely run with a less powerful processor-
Ram: 7GB
The 64-bit is really not a luxury for the provided orchestrations. It can run with less but it will play with the hard disk streaming and freezing tracks (less stable and more binding).
Why on earth have come out Play? By kontakt report (vertion compleat) the possibilities are ridiculous. Frustrating. Performance, they, have well amliors and I say nothing with cubase 5 on Windows 7 64bit.
I use it for 5 years Adi ocasionellement (I'm not a pro)
It is imperative to have some orchestration concepts to draw something right. I command in complete beginner, persuaded to get out of the music as sharp as demos. Alas, I have broken tooth and almost dcourag. It took a year to use acharn finally get something.
Attention programing work on this bank is asssez consquent compared to more modern banks. The possibilities of expression are fairly limits (no lgato sampl and some intruments sound pretty bad in certain contexts. This virtual orchestra is clearly comfortable in his "blockbuster".
The sound is surpassed globalament and surtou heard too! Vidos Games, pubs, and other documentary thalassa ... Once you start to use this bank, you realize that "it is used everywhere (more or less for that matter)! Some instruments are almost unusable because immediately reconaissables (marcato cellos, trombones, timpani ...)
EWQLSE is my conaissance Ochestre the most complete in this price range with VSL SE (more realistic but also more lean in the sound) and Albion (the latter can be less versatile).
It is an effective tool to model. For added ralime, we orientra to tools like spcialiss LASS, Holywood brass, holywoodwinds, Adagio ... This is not the same budjet nor the same sound!