542 videos
Sonokinetic Announces "Grosso" Orchestral Samplin…
Spitfire Releases.. Bml Bones Vol 1
Spitfire Presents.. Mural First Look!
Projectsam Symphobia Colours: Orchestrator - Offi…
Projectsam Symphobia Colours: Animator - Official…
Spitfire previews - Sable update January 2014
Ryse: Son Of Rome Combat Overview
"Hope in the Darkness"
Morphestra Generations: Trailer
Spitfire presents: Sable vol 3a walk through
Elysium - Trailer/Soundtrack/Radius/Long Version
Projectsam Lumina Official Trailer
Spitfire Presents.. Bml Sable Strings Vol 1 -- Vi…
Project Alpha - Overview
8W Teaser Trailer
Spitfire Albion Iii: Iceni Orchestral Walk Through
Spitfire Iceni Non Orchestral walkthrough
Projectsam Lumina First Teaser Video
Da Capo
Yearning (for string orchestra) by Guy Bacos
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