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EastWest Updates Play Software to 2.1.1

Upgrade includes Symphonic Choirs "WordBuilder Inside Play".

EASTWEST has released a significant upgrade of their PLAY software that includes the SYMPHONIC CHOIRS “WordBuilder Inside PLAY” upgrade.

EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP’s SYMPHONIC CHOIRS is the software that enables words to be entered into WordBuilder for the choirs to sing, and PLAY 2.1.1 makes SYMPHONIC CHOIRS easier to use, with WordBuilder now integrated directly into the PLAY software, according to the company.

The PLAY 2.1.1 upgrade is free for current Play users. For customers using the previous NI version, the upgrade to the Play version with WordBuilder inside is $99/€75. Upgrade downloads can be made at http://www.soundsonline.com/updates.php.

NI version users wishing to upgrade should go to http://www.soundsonline.com/Symphonic-Choirs or http://www.soundsonline-europe.com/Symphonic-Choirs for European customers.

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