Wok Tonmeister
NewsWOK has announced the release of Tonmeister, a force-to-scale MIDI effect plug-in - it forces incoming MIDI notes to the selected scale and root key.
NewsWOK has announced the release of CLOCKWOrK, a new Vintage Step-Sequencer Plug-in.
NewsWOK has announced ClockWOrK, a new VST instrument plug-in for Windows that will put a vintage style step-sequencer into your computer as a plugin, according to the company.
WOK Releases VST Plugin MoogoFilter
NewsOne particular feature of MoogoFilter is the integrated envelope generator, which can be triggered by MIDI-notes. Thus the plugin can be inserted behind any synth plugin, to play it thru a moogish fi…
Wok StringChorus
NewsWOK has released StringChorus.