The first details and pictures of the new Korg Kronos were leaked from the NAMM floors.
It looks like a workstation with 12 GB SSD hard disk samples and nine synth engines: SGX-1 Premium piano, MDS EP-1 Electric piano, Tonewheel CX-3 organ, MS20-ex Legacy Analog Collection, Ex Polysix Legacy Analog Collection, AL-1 Analog Synthesizer, NOD-7 Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer, STR-1 Plucked String Synthesizer, HD-1 High Definition Synthesizer.
(Pictures by Hispasonic’s Twitpic feed)
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gridsleepNew AFfiliatePosted on 01/16/2011 at 10:05:53Well, it sounds nice, but when does a Korg not sound nice? It looks like the love child of an OASYS and an M50--sort of a December-May romance there--with a lot of gene splicing with everything that's ever been produced due to the comment "I wish this had--" This is one that has everything that everyone wished a keyboard had. It may very well be the uberboard, and undoubtedly will be in the price department. But, does it bring anything new to the table that can it can literally call its own? This will have to await review. At this point, though, I can see the Motif and Open Labs crowds quaking in the boots. Only time will tell, and I can't wait to see what really unique and affordable derivatives are eventually produced from this tree.
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