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Zildjian Z3 Medium Crash 16" - " Good powerful booster crash"
translatedI used a metal context, as a cymbal accent as too small to play rhythm. Although I prefer his older Z custom, the crash really a very strong sound, without turning in his scrap Rudes, which allows it…
Zildjian Planet Z PZ3 Pack - thynogti's review
translatedThese cymbals-cheap (200 euros) have a great sound for the price. I just find the missing crash lack a bit of finesse (too bang!). No, not really bad for the price. I recommend this kit for anyone on…
Zildjian Planet Z PZ3 Pack - Ugly-Kid-Louis's review
translatedThese cymbals sound so good after having bought DCID I put myself on the harpsichord. Frankly, I think I can do a better sound with my butt, thanks.