TopicPosted on 07/31/2006 at 07:58:30Evolution MK-125 - Help Needed!
Hi everyone,
I've just snapped up an Evolution MK-125 Midi keyboard for a reasonable price on eBay so I can get started with Reason.
However, I foolishly assumed that even though it didn't come with software, I'd easily be able to get hold of the drivers without realising that Evolution had been taken over by M-Audio. I've checked their website (as I should've done before), and despite claiming that all the content of Evolution's website is present there, I can't find the drivers for the MK-125, just other MK-xxx models.
Can anyone else who's got this keyboard help by either emailing me the required files or in some other way please?
Jim Davies
New AFfiliate
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 07/31/2006 at 08:16:13
I've done a bit more digging around and found an alternative Evolution website. In the FAQs I discovered that it should work fine with my soundcard's own midi drivers, so I'll just have to give that a go.
Hopefully I'll get it sorted soon and get on with trying to get my head around Reason!
i have the exact same problem i have been trying everything to get my keyboard to work but my computer just doesnt seem to be receiving anything at all, i am using an e-mu 0404 soundcard my midi drivers should be working fine but they havent been tested yet.