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Korg nanoKEY
Korg nanoKEY

25-Key MIDI Keyboard from Korg belonging to the nano series

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Queen.theband Queen.theband
Published on 04/16/10 at 10:32
I wanted a small keyboard master self powered usb to record some bass lines, synth riffs and a few on my MacBook Pro in Logic.
The connection is fine, no problems. The NANOKEY is immediately recognized on the fly in Logic or Garage Band.
The keyboard is very light and you can easily imagine lugging the laptop to sleep with a few ideas.


Touch keyboard:
The worst thing imaginable. These are key PC fitted with a brake soft plastic so that typing is very sound and it takes "type" hard on the keyboard to reach the highest velocities. The location of the keys is confusing because the keys are black and white on two different levels. Not easy to make arpeggios or chords in these conditions.

NOTE: To add to this that the buttons are very fragile and that I am not alone in needing to jump back when. And it's not frustrating to use, quite the contrary, I am quite sensitive to this kind of device.
Anyway, it's horror, they took me from home studio also confirmed that "take a different and more" would not address this very dark point of reliability and design.
Manual: Clear. Simple. In several languages ​​including French.

Channel selection and other simple but being ultra limited, it has no interest in this type of product.


After two exchanges of two weeks of use, the verdict is clear: it is poorly done, poorly assembled, poorly conceived despite a fine record and a blue LED (light USB connection) pretty nice.

After a few hours the keys become loose and sometimes one has to the "hand" in the reclipsant on their base. But the underlying mechanism is very flimsy plastic (kind of small buildings kinder Surprise in the 80s) some keys are lost forever ..

And even if this manufacturing problem had to be corrected, for anything I would not choose this new product. Too little ergonomic, and useful only to return some clavinet riffs ..

Finally we take comfort, there is a competitor and I have purchased (LPK AKAI 25) I'm delighted:
Real keys, solid and responsive, a full featured arpeggiator and parameters (up to redo the intro of Radio Gaga;)
and even if it is a bit more "heavy" that the NanoKorg, this is 45 € which will not be thrown out the window!
