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Numark 5000FX
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Sirjarvis Sirjarvis
Published on 08/14/06 at 13:13
On CHARACTERISTICS there is nothing saying that while it possde rve the heart of a dj: effects effective faders correct beatkeaper and tap ... FUN


Fawn used trs intuitive without reading the manual it was under control after 48 hours


The sound is clear and warm: no breath, however, could cut the EQ a bit more


I use it for 11 months and I'm happy (and ITS EFFECTS). Personally I prfre the djm 600, but this is only my opinion ...

Parcontre must raise its reliability problem! She left 2 times dj in the Service because of alimntation which Cramm! Too bad, because the reliability is what is expected of a stuff called "professional"!

Despite this BMOL my verdict is positive: I love its sound and its effects, but Dornava I keep my home studio to make my mix and I go out, and ds the budget is the j'achte a djm 600 for "EXIT"