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Synq Audio SMX-1

All user reviews for the Synq Audio SMX-1

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  • lenikolalenikola

    Synq Audio SMX-1Published on 12/09/05 at 04:41
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    * Table 4 channels of 10 entries with 3 phono,
    * Chqs channels can be assigned and the possibility to cross several lanes of chqs cots,
    * It possde 8 ffects that are totally paramtrables X and Y
    * 3 ffects on the cross (which many adjustable curve sr)
    * Numrique a farce, 2 XLR outputs (adjustable gain) and two RCA
    * 2 Fader Start
    * 2 BPM counters

    * Weaknesses: _absence send and return ffects (which n 'gde no importance given the ffects Intgr but ...)
    _ Of the qualizsrs chqs ways do not cut completely sound:-30dB "only" (very small but with a high volume can interfere

    * Strengths: Complete _ffets trs
    _compteurs BPM
    _assignation ways to think Cross trs well (unlike tab…
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    * Table 4 channels of 10 entries with 3 phono,
    * Chqs channels can be assigned and the possibility to cross several lanes of chqs cots,
    * It possde 8 ffects that are totally paramtrables X and Y
    * 3 ffects on the cross (which many adjustable curve sr)
    * Numrique a farce, 2 XLR outputs (adjustable gain) and two RCA
    * 2 Fader Start
    * 2 BPM counters

    * Weaknesses: _absence send and return ffects (which n 'gde no importance given the ffects Intgr but ...)
    _ Of the qualizsrs chqs ways do not cut completely sound:-30dB "only" (very small but with a high volume can interfere

    * Strengths: Complete _ffets trs
    _compteurs BPM
    _assignation ways to think Cross trs well (unlike tables such as Pioneer DJM ...)
    SETTING THE _trs good curve cross


    Trs intuitive use by the requesting ffects qqs days to familliar with, it is understandable to beginners with no notice mM APRS but it happens to a lot of good stuff.
    Sinn jai mM for the manual to look (the way a head is not a manual for a mixer .. Except for the DSP)


    Euuuuhh .. ca good question! Actually I did not ssay bcp table to compare the sound level but it seems not bad tt mM and with a super high volume was not bcp breath. rponse frquence in the trs is good and correcting stamp (assymtriques) are trs great job.
    Sinn for the qualiser rglage is not bad, it's going to-30dB +10 dB, which is more than enough (APRS sinn saturation.)
    I put 8 because qualiser isolator does not (well not totally!)


    Sinn I the User for 1 year and a half and I had no pbm it! Nothing moves and nothing s'habime! It's good quality trs for "Made in China" (Taiwan and I sai more.)
    For those who do not know, is the Synq premium brand of JBSYSTEMS ..
    I'll spare aujourd'ui to spend a DJM600 but sinn 1000X I recommend for those who wish to table a medium-high end! It Mtonnes dailleurs it is sold so few in France ... But hey!
    PS 294 in numro PA Mag, t test and the table had 4 / 5 tt the CRITERIA (rapp qual-price, sound, quality production ..)
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  • Tfaf1Tfaf1

    Synq Audio SMX-1Published on 04/14/09 at 11:35
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)


    Easy and intuitive. It takes aisment in hand. Diffrent the functions and effects are easy to ACCS.


    Good sound overall, not breathing noisy set by the console.


    Since ending for two years. Use of 40-prs dj accessories.

    I grip the AIM empty. Most functions are fairly intuitive. The quality of the product gnral is impeccable. Nice finish, a nice design. The few effects are friendly and make it relatively well.

    It is a little to be desired. And to find their account we move quickly enough a version higher or more on a table evolves.

    I tried Djm 400, SMX-2 and DJM600. It seemed to me the most intuitive.

    The r…
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    Easy and intuitive. It takes aisment in hand. Diffrent the functions and effects are easy to ACCS.


    Good sound overall, not breathing noisy set by the console.


    Since ending for two years. Use of 40-prs dj accessories.

    I grip the AIM empty. Most functions are fairly intuitive. The quality of the product gnral is impeccable. Nice finish, a nice design. The few effects are friendly and make it relatively well.

    It is a little to be desired. And to find their account we move quickly enough a version higher or more on a table evolves.

    I tried Djm 400, SMX-2 and DJM600. It seemed to me the most intuitive.

    The ratio quality / price is excellent, a lot of good quality features, all priced fairly drisoire I think.

    Obviously I would do well this choice and advises anyone who wants beginners.
    I think this table is suitable for anyone who wants to beginners or who has not a great exprience. And long therm it can easily be suitable for anyone who knew how to satisfy its requirements in this table. Because as I said it is hard dj complre and is a product of quality. In short a good product.
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  • djsamddjsamd

    Synq Audio SMX-1Published on 03/30/10 at 07:56
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)

    * Is the rack? yes 19 "

    * An effects section is integrated? yes and very intuitive!


    * The general configuration is simple? Classic Yes

    * The usual functions are they easily accessible? very

    * The manual is clear and sufficient? yes


    * Introduced she breath? not that I know

    * The equalizer is it effective? yes but it should however go far enough to feel the effect Knob


    * What thing do you like most/least about it? the preview of effects and the possible split between the cue and the pgm in the headphone (very useful if non-existent return!)

    * Did you try many other models before getting this one? yes (djm …
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    * Is the rack? yes 19 "

    * An effects section is integrated? yes and very intuitive!


    * The general configuration is simple? Classic Yes

    * The usual functions are they easily accessible? very

    * The manual is clear and sufficient? yes


    * Introduced she breath? not that I know

    * The equalizer is it effective? yes but it should however go far enough to feel the effect Knob


    * What thing do you like most/least about it? the preview of effects and the possible split between the cue and the pgm in the headphone (very useful if non-existent return!)

    * Did you try many other models before getting this one? yes (djm 400, djm 800, beat 6 mk2, AudioPhony, Berhinger ,...)

    * What is your opinion about the value for the price? Very good (379 €) Robust and handy!

    * Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? yes without hesitation!

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