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Laney LV412A - lizzysboy's review
translatedThis is my first cab. The overall finish is not transcendent but for the price it is impossible to have a nice clean finish Orange or even that of a Marshall. What matters most to me more in th…
Laney GS412LA - bhwfr's review
translatedA stack trs not beautiful, but super effective! 4 HP 12-inch cashing 80W each (as many say that has not drool or do not crack!). Cbler possibility of mono or Stereo, choice ... But above all it is no…
Laney LX412A - Zlhanh's review
translatedBaffle mounted 4X12 celestion rocket 50 Mono, an entrance, a link 8 ohms, 200W Used for two years and a few ... Already a good speaker, and not very expensive. Asser "smoothed" as his grave with…