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Marshall 1960ADM Dave Mustaine
Marshall 1960ADM Dave Mustaine

4x12 Guitar Cabinet from Marshall belonging to the Signature series

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Pucelle_Dabidjan Pucelle_Dabidjan
Published on 07/14/09 at 16:34



Mustard up my nose:
<span style="font-weight: normal;">This should be a day like any other, but now, this day would not. An unexpected phone call comes to me out of bed in the morning. At the other end, Ebo, German colleague working for a famous magazine, which will start a test "I might be interested."

That's what spice up my day, I mount my bike and hit me the 200 terminals to join him. There, to my surprise, I discovered the alien you will discover the test.

The DM 1960 is a purpose built cab together with our friends Michaelangelo Batio ... heuuu ... no! Pardon! Dave Mustard! Same kind of rascal, but in Megamort! This is a cab (most?) Optimized for the metal than was the 1960A, often maligned.

Comments and figures:
The girl discovers a little Chinese fondue. A 4x12, manufactured entirely in England, with birch cross on a 15mm thick, flanked by Celestion V30 ... Attention this is an evolution of the V30, specially built in England following the instructions of Dave Mustard. This cabinet is among other things, a recognizable orange sticker on the magnet. Note the presence of a protective cover, a signature logo, a DVD showing very poor taste the master guiding us through the factory and showed us the making of beast. Commendable thing that this DVD, but why do you print the DVD cover with a camouflage khaki and attribute any warrior who seems to want to believe metal = war and destruction. My partner is irritated me this stupid stereotype makes me smile. Pass! Another detail that Marshall put forward, the front panel is sealed by hand. But no indication of what it should to help us or how it was done. The metal grid is rather nice. At the back there are the traditional plate connection with two inputs and a switch to either réglaer 1x16ohm or stereo into 8 ohms. Note also that a block of support will build on the back panel, and that it strongly supports this room. No place in the game then.

The test:
We compared the cab with a 1960av who was by his side. For the head, we plugged into a marshall jvm already widely tested and af, which I do not linger.

The sound has 1960DM significantly thinner (in the sense detailed) than the 1960 GS. It's a bit of a surprise, given its field of use. The bass is more controllable. This practice is, therefore, more practical and bedding is very comfortable with guitars détunées.

Note also that with a guitar signal identical, we get on this cab, more transparency. There 1960av or yelling at us, it remains the cab DM Zen and breathes well. This is particularly noticeable in high frequencies! The product sounds av chain saw as we know the V30, with a good impression in his body. The brand has a little aggressive side. We do not live the same experience with the dm. That does not mécomprenne, the dm was also of life in the treble and is transparent, but they are thinner and slightly less noisy than the ave. A little more "bell". As for bass, I have spoken.

Believe it or not, it was also fun to hit to see if the vinyl is resistant, and small disappointment, even if the vinyl of this cab exudes solidity more reassuring, it is almost as fast food .

A firm more cultured, better built, a little more expensive because made in England and should reconcile with Marshall métallleux activists. The advertised price of 950 euros, however, puts in a category where the fight is fierce.