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Harley Benton Power Plant
Harley Benton Power Plant
give35 give35
Published on 11/21/09 at 02:31
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How long have you use it? A few days

Before I used to be a lot of transformer or a power strip cord (Sssnake). Whatever the solution, I stray sounds in the amp. I even "btement" spar of pedals because I thought there was incompatibility between pedals <=> Acoustic amp (Marshall AS100D) or pedals <=> amp Electric (Hartke PiggyBack) with Ovation guitar legends, and Epiphone SheratonII.

Now all combinations work quietly: BOSS pedals (CS3 Super Phaser) Modtone (Vintage Speedbox and delay) and BETA-ALVIN CS100.

My only regret does not supply Digitech JAMMAN => requires a power supply SPECIFICATIONS (1300mA)


Choice again: yes yes yes no hsitation .... No more strips, the noise sounds ....
Bonne zic