Hammond Leslie 3300 - "15" woofer!"
The Hammond Leslie 3300 Rotary Speaker is a 220 watt bass amp and a 80 watt treble amp. It has a 15” woofer and master volume, bass, mid range, horn level, and sub woofer controls on it. The Leslie 3…
Hammond G37 - "This thing is cool!"
Wow is all I can say about this amp. Specifically voiced for the guitar, this amp produces some of the coolest most authentic leslie tones for the modern world. What is unique about this amp comp…
Hammond EXP-100F - keltic29's review
translatedThis is an expression pedals on which is mounted on the cot left a switch that will instantly engage a latral movement of the foot. The pedals are connected my XK3c Hammond. It controls the volume,…
Hammond Leslie 3300 - patrick.93's review
translatedI used about Hammond Xk3c + xlk3 UTILIZATION Everything is parameter (speed tubal prampli low acute SOUNDS sound can be aggressive or mellow a must and the power drawn ever adcoiffe Leslie na…