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Roland AC-33
Roland AC-33

«  Battery operated unsatisfactory »

Published on 01/29/13 at 05:32
35 watts


Good sound and good config.


It is well worth the voice


I bought the AC-33 Roland (35 watts for a little over € 400 new in France).

In my case I took it for one reason: the battery compartment. To play in public spaces where there is no outlet. And this function is only half satisfactory to my taste. 8h autonomy are announced almost certainly respected. But two downsides:

- Your AC-33 may stop suddenly, when you sing perhaps the most spirited. For 8 AA batteries, you can imagine that it barely turning 35 watts when you turn the volume loud enough (by the way: the sound is not loud vmt, I had a 35 watt Ibanez in front which sent many addition to that). 8h battery usage, you will quiet the first few hours. When the batteries begin to tire them let go of themselves. It will therefore leave him alone qqs seconds and turn it back on. My technique to not get stuck: turn it off and on again every half hour, if that 10 seconds.

- "When y'en more y'en again." Yes do not throw the batteries when they are supposedly "flat". You will be surprised that it is almost full!! when you put in your clock, digital recorder, alarm or other ... The CAC-33 pump so that the batteries can no longer rotate as they have lost a bit of voltage. Result: you spend a lot of money AND you are storing batteries full that you do not want to throw because they are almost full!

I know it should not require the moon and it is well to have 8 hours of battery life with 8 AA batteries, but the two points I mentioned are real.