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Behringer Truth B2031A
Behringer Truth B2031A

Active Monitor from Behringer belonging to the Truth series

Jamian Jamian
Published on 08/01/05 at 05:42
Having quickly enough grind my recording on a stereo, I was looking for true monitoring speakers the door of my budjet. So I use them as part of a small home studio: they are the output control room for a table on which are Behringer UB1202 branch between my computers.

It was therefore with these baffles 150 Watts RMS into the grave and acute in 75 per speaker.


Rponse flat 40 to 20,000 Hz So says the graph on the calibration certificate, and will cost you, I do not disagree. The lack of precision DNAS serious, but frankly, I'm afraid it is rather the instrument of my office which rsons the two speakers together. 'll Have to try to correct the problem, ca amliorera can be a little bit. At the Stereo, I find nothing wrong. The placement of the instruments is prcis. L either, my speakers are not the best person I have to get lucky ... For the dynamic, personally nothing 'm shocked.


I use them for two months. It changes normment the hi-fi, but one suspects a little. J 'apprcie normment clarity of sound and the precision of the stro, except in the bass, dj, as I said above.
"I had cost the store B2030A, supposed to have the same sound but less powerful: it is not true. Even when the bass are best on these forums it, even if it is not the panacea. I also heard other speakers that I have forgotten the MODEL connected to a denon amp, and I am happy with these speakers l.
The quality-price ratio is really excellent (for the pair Apaire 350, and has since fallen further apeut be not found gure better I think ...)
I would do this chosen without hsiter, but may be adding a subwoofer B2092A, soon to be released: it should remove the problem of the low. Try it out!