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Behringer Truth B2031A
Behringer Truth B2031A

Active Monitor from Behringer belonging to the Truth series

Published on 03/09/05 at 06:13
Best value: Excellent
I used in my home studio. They are pretty heavy about 15 kg but the unit is far from c be a real problem on the contrary they are very stable when well rested. They have mouths but it s in the primary step c is the sound ....


They are fairly neutral must admit, the stereo is not bad if they are well positioned in the studio, I say because I've seen a photo of the home studio or the monitors were placed No matter how, they need even when the space! They are enough to power a home studio! D Furthermore, they work best with the volume (without being extreme course), but they are better than high volume low ac is Kler. If not to talk about her they are ok but not more than a. Specifying expected that I had been a year since I have so I know something even when the beast. Honestly the sound limit is c limit. C is great for the home studio for fun without wanting a professional, you can Laying out no problem but when c is even limit limit, c is not the pure sound, but c is not bad, we will say that c is means. C is the Behringer products and like all (or almost) Behringer bah c is neither good nor bad, it's stale, it tastes of a pure Mousline without salt with very little water, you know what I mean;)
So summary of sound, c is not bad because c is still not as expensive product, so if you want to please you without putting more money if your PRIORITIES c is not the quality but rather the fact of having tapping better than your satellite office ok then ca rolls but have not expect luxury.


I have over the past year, what I like is the power c is clean up the sound volume. What I do not like is that c c is the same crap when these monitors, I mean by that c is not serious, c is correct of course but good ears do not lie there when bcp bcp even better, but good requires the grader mind that Behringer makes gear for small budget, so the price quality ratio did nothing exceptional, we pay for nothing less. I do not understand what is the quality price ratio Excellent! I find it just simply nothing less. I think that I wait a few aurra the least before I take these monitors to invest and the word in such a real quality worthy of the name for a home studio. That said I do not regret for I have when even with good results but I take less pleasure than if, I had the ears in a good pair of monitors. C is a matter of taste if you want the quality in priority vraimant go your way, provided you have the budget biensur and yes everyone did not necessarily especially in a country like France .. . If not for the budget c is the Behringer is what is best. I put 6's why! I like them my Truth Monnais my door too, but my ears aurra prfer Qualter of the true, surely one day, they have no worry.