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Behringer Truth B2031A
Behringer Truth B2031A

Active Monitor from Behringer belonging to the Truth series

jouli1 jouli1
Published on 10/19/03 at 12:25
I was looking for small biensur not listen much to mix an album (the group that purchased)


Response curve very nice bump bof not neutral in the medium down to 200 hz low pass a sound bizzarre album jamiroquai .... you will see the treble not too bad sometimes a bit aggressive but hey ....
by stereo image is transcribed against it ... not bad
its not clear sailing No very very nice ...
dynamic?? mouai very blah ... it cash that you push the dal ... (in order to linearize the response curves of the human ear it seems that the speakers that twist m'enfin ...?


I have not even bought ... just tried for a week trying to work effectively with ...
good stereo image ... Here is the rest good for the price ... is not dream ... at least not a nice surprise ...
I try the JBL Control 25 or I do not know how, the Genelec 1030, and 1038, the 824 hr .. and Dynaudio aa nothing do with all ca ... to be so little jbl ke koi .... ....
fairly average value for price ... I believe that it is better now to wait and buy the real Listen ... as a. ... because honestly if it is really to work with and that for his home studio and am che these compounds .... avoid ... if you save groups with ca ... has made gaffes linearized with less than one can be the eq ...
conclusion behringer little ca ca be many times saves life but live right .... even in the studio itself must be even more gaffe in ke .... tapping on truth ... Bah me anyway .... I really was not on the ass .... away from the course after the ke ... javais council to wait and listen to the Dynaudio BM 6 or 1031 or even hr to 824 (even if the reviews on these costs are shared)
but has not encouraged to take any behringer the market for audio or there will have more room for super brands of death kills ki .... Joul ...