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Focal SM9
blanconorizing blanconorizing

«  a wonderful sound!!!!!!!!! »

Published on 08/05/12 at 03:51
the characteristic that motivates my choice is an all let me explain a stereo an incredible details of his impressive believe we have the subwoofer in the room hideout
So I'm beatmaker confirms for compisition but especially for the precise mix and mastering digital
My home studio is equipped with an imac 27 inch i5 with a sound card and cable rm ucx cable monsters and of course my SM9


the frequency is very neutral in spite of all that the studio monitor even those of high-end (pmc focal adam etc ...) have their color but paradoxically remains neutral
dynamics has an incredible high and low volume is frankly what I was most surprised
incredible stereo image of a surgical precision and the sound is very clean clear it feels good to listen to the entire spectrum


I use them since last May and I had before the enclosure of good quality but a bit tight for a precise mix (Genelec 8040 a)
I really like is the design and the little bb is the power button stop is behind the speaker which is not easy to achieve
then it is true that the price is very high compared to the product but it enjoys a value for money out of the ordinary in the same quality of its investments should be in my opinion has a pair 10 000 euros
I remake that choice because there was a time not that talent that count but the stuff with which we work today and after 17 years of experience in the music (dj composer semi professional sound engineer) the gear has its importance that should not be neglected