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Prodipe Pro Ribbon 8
Prodipe Pro Ribbon 8
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Smoy Smoy
Published on 02/16/09 at 01:50
- What characteristics have motivated your choice?

The ribbon tweeter

- For what purpose?
Use in Home-studio
Music mixing electro, rock, orchestral, world

- What amp / What configuration? ...
Sound Card Presonus Firestudio
Amp (Monitor) Presonus Central Station


The frequency curve is very neutral, they calmed down low compared to the model Pro 8
To work on is having a infrabass mieu boomer (10 of the pro prodipe to look very good)
The acute (thanks to the strip) are extremely well defined without being garish, it's really successful.

The stereo image is the feature that struck me most, you can feel the slightest modulation of the mix when panning.

The dynamic is very good, € 500 for the pair is a really good job with Genelec, it would certainly double for the same result.

I put 9 because it is always better, but at what cost!


I use it for 3 days
I especially like the stereo, the frequency curve very neutral and allows precision work truly remarkable for this price range, treble very well defined. I regret piti a lack of bass (which can be solved by a subwoofer) but it's more a matter of taste. In any case, we can seriously work without any problems.

Before, I was mixing on a stereo (admittedly very well made) and there are no photos. However, I participated in studio sessions and prodipe often have nothing to be ashamed in front of the competition, far from it.

The value is unbeatable, really. You can find better but by putting a lot of sorrel and improvement will be very light. I'm sure these speakers will be a fair success (I hope).

I do it again this choice with his eyes closed, I'm really amazed of value for money, unbelievable!

edit: After heavy use for 4 days (a period of running) the bass out more, but getting better. They are in any case more than enough for us to vibrate the chest with a high volume and accurate enough to work. Speaker is really great for their price. The boomer prodipe is really necessary for musicians electro dancefloor typed or that kind of trip. Otherwise keep them like that, it nikel.