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Samson Technologies Resolv 65a
Samson Technologies Resolv 65a
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leoturilli leoturilli
Published on 10/30/05 at 06:38
What characteristics have motivated your choice?
For what purpose?

I needed the monitor to record, mix and mastering dessu and a small surplus puissanse n is thus seen not refuse the price and the reviews on Audiofanzine, I have purchased. (Thank you for that matter)

What amp / What configuration? ...

I work with cubase and hoontec DSP 2000


The frequency curve is sufficiently neutral?

I think the midle and treble are very aggressive but only at home or because I've tried, it sounded good. (A medium sized piece with lots of echo floating)

The stereo image is good? The sound is clear and precise on the spectrum? The dynamics are respected? ...

I find that c is very decent for the price. Good image, its accurate (a bit) and a super BIG PLUS dynamique.UN C is the volume which is surprising, even powerful.


I have a year and the quality of my songs and much higher. J had tried it once and I know what tannoy that coutait 50,000 francs a pair and I think the quality difference n is not as important as price. I think before making the same choice, I would have tried the 50 who had perhaps better suited to my room but the 65 has a OCEEI well soundproofed, it makes good.