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Yamaha HS10W

All user reviews for the Yamaha HS10W

Active Monitor from Yamaha belonging to the HS series

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  • lulumusiquelulumusique

    Yamaha HS10WPublished on 09/28/07 at 14:03
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    See below




    Everything said below t ...

    Apart from that I find presonnellement filtering not steep.

    Otherwise, it sounds and that's it ... if you do not look severe extreme extreme (8 inch only). But it is a very good complment the HS80 and does not dnature sound. The volume advisable by the memorandum puzzles me: I find myself with a sound tunning if I do as they say ... but the rgl oreil is OK

    With experience, you do again this choice?
    At the risk of surprise I do not know 900 all (with HS80) ... I think I rcouterais the monitors in this price range (900). But if we adja the HS80 I believe that we should not hsiter.

    PS: What is he doing i…
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    See below




    Everything said below t ...

    Apart from that I find presonnellement filtering not steep.

    Otherwise, it sounds and that's it ... if you do not look severe extreme extreme (8 inch only). But it is a very good complment the HS80 and does not dnature sound. The volume advisable by the memorandum puzzles me: I find myself with a sound tunning if I do as they say ... but the rgl oreil is OK

    With experience, you do again this choice?
    At the risk of surprise I do not know 900 all (with HS80) ... I think I rcouterais the monitors in this price range (900). But if we adja the HS80 I believe that we should not hsiter.

    PS: What is he doing in passive monitors ????????????
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  • FluchFluch

    Yamaha HS10WPublished on 05/15/07 at 14:45
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I looked for a subwoofer to complete NS10 (from the same brand), not having the budget to invest in the models above.
    Listens home studio, to project characters unpretentious but serious nonetheless.
    The NS10 is amplified by an amplifier Yamaha Hifi, part of which preamp is bypassed, for more gain and dynamic as possible.


    The sound seems pretty clear, precise and defined, and seems to me to fulfill its role of Sub. The fact that it really helps to refine configurable setting with two other speakers.
    I think I found for myself a good compromise setting, but I am confident that with someone more qualified than I, the result could be optimized.

    Read more
    I looked for a subwoofer to complete NS10 (from the same brand), not having the budget to invest in the models above.
    Listens home studio, to project characters unpretentious but serious nonetheless.
    The NS10 is amplified by an amplifier Yamaha Hifi, part of which preamp is bypassed, for more gain and dynamic as possible.


    The sound seems pretty clear, precise and defined, and seems to me to fulfill its role of Sub. The fact that it really helps to refine configurable setting with two other speakers.
    I think I found for myself a good compromise setting, but I am confident that with someone more qualified than I, the result could be optimized.


    Used for 6 months after a test with the model in Prodipe, there is no photo. The HS10W is much more accurate (I think you it) as its competitor.
    Made some mix up, with better results on real balance (at least, it suits me), bass notament.
    The problem is that once you have tasted, it's hard to go back!
    I certainly do it again this election, unless any spare, to save and buy Dynaudio!
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  • OriOri

    Yamaha HS10WPublished on 09/14/07 at 03:06
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - What technical specifications motivated your choice?

    I had the speakers HS80M, and I wanted to buy the relevant Sub prvu by the manufacturer.

    - For what purpose?

    Use a home studio mostly.

    - What amp / What configuration? ...

    System HS80/HS10W


    - The curve frequency drives is it neutral enough?

    It performs pretty low frquente dbordante and not too pretty clean and Defines.

    - Stereo image is good?

    Difficult to talk to imagine for a stro Subwoofer: p

    - The sound is clear and prcis across the spectrum?

    The whole is quite Systm gnial, the subwoofer really brings sparingly weakness in the low frequencies that possde speakers.

    - The dynamic is it…
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    - What technical specifications motivated your choice?

    I had the speakers HS80M, and I wanted to buy the relevant Sub prvu by the manufacturer.

    - For what purpose?

    Use a home studio mostly.

    - What amp / What configuration? ...

    System HS80/HS10W


    - The curve frequency drives is it neutral enough?

    It performs pretty low frquente dbordante and not too pretty clean and Defines.

    - Stereo image is good?

    Difficult to talk to imagine for a stro Subwoofer: p

    - The sound is clear and prcis across the spectrum?

    The whole is quite Systm gnial, the subwoofer really brings sparingly weakness in the low frequencies that possde speakers.

    - The dynamic is it respect? ...

    Yes, sometimes it is even good to just delete the sub to the mix, the risk of resting on its laurels ...


    - The dynamic is it respect? ...

    Several months now.

    - What is the particular feature you like best and least?

    The event forward if a little boring for ignition must admit.

    There are some interesting rglages practical use.

    - Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

    Not really, I followed the manufacturer's range for more simplicity.

    - How do you report qualitprix?

    A little expensive when even I must admit ...

    - With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...

    Yes, because the HS Systm really takes a new dimension by adding this lment.

    And must admit that for mixing, it's a real rgale
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  • FNiobeyFNiobey

    Very well for home studio applications

    Yamaha HS10WPublished on 03/22/11 at 23:23
    home studio utilization


    It's comfortable and precise


    However I believe that after years of using it, it is difficult to place the switch in a worst position. Except to put it under the speaker. And even this may not be worst ...