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Yamaha HS50M

All user reviews for the Yamaha HS50M

Active Monitor from Yamaha belonging to the HS series

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  • LeBohémienLeBohémien

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 08/13/06 at 21:20
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    What motivated my choice, first price, then it is to replace bouzes I had before, the Alesis Active Mone, I was intrigued by the comparison made with some NS10M, I listened store, I thought, and then I told myself that anyway, I would have to the bottom when she would be at home, in the sound environment of my piece ...
    I use them to compose, create my beats, mixes of controlling when I come home from the studio.
    Bcp are smaller than they appear, it's the size of a pair of 1029A or a pair of MSP3.
    The HS80M were too powerful for my part that makes 12M2, so I selected the ones.


    For me, neutrality is one of its greatest assets, as soon as the lights, we understand that we d…
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    What motivated my choice, first price, then it is to replace bouzes I had before, the Alesis Active Mone, I was intrigued by the comparison made with some NS10M, I listened store, I thought, and then I told myself that anyway, I would have to the bottom when she would be at home, in the sound environment of my piece ...
    I use them to compose, create my beats, mixes of controlling when I come home from the studio.
    Bcp are smaller than they appear, it's the size of a pair of 1029A or a pair of MSP3.
    The HS80M were too powerful for my part that makes 12M2, so I selected the ones.


    For me, neutrality is one of its greatest assets, as soon as the lights, we understand that we do not and the monitoring has a pair of high quality stereo speakers.
    The stereo image is very correct, precise sound throughout the spectrum and what characterizes them is that it lets through some dynamic defects, if a drum kit does not ring, it will be ridiculous in it, it pushed me to raise my level of requirement, and it is rather very positive.
    The big question is low because given the size of Boomer, there's something to ask where they could get out!
    In fact they are well, and clean in addition, they are just more feeble in volume than in reality, that's my opinion, but the definition is the ...
    What I love most is going to listen to my sounds on anything after work with on the 1030A taf, or stereo, every time I hallucinate the result, it sounds really good and j 'I was not that famous disappointment of the second listening ...
    Another strong point, they are not at all tiring ...


    It's been three weeks that I used is a little short to post a comment, but I lapped well at the beginning and since I bump above 5 or 6 hours a day ...
    The low is a little lack of bass for me, I think a pair of intermediate pregnant between HS50M and HS80M would have been perfect, but ...
    I Tafer on a lot of speakers, the Alesis Mone active and passive, active and passive Tannoy Reveal, Mackie HR824, Dynaudio Acoustics, Samson Resolv, Yamaha NS10M, MSP5, the JBL4311, Genelec 1029A, 1030A, 1037A, brief ...
    Considering the price, this is a very good buy I think, they correspond to the use I made, I reposterais if I was reviewing my opinion.
    PS: Attention to their room placement is important!
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  • Anonymous

    Cool baby, cool ...

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 05/12/10 at 10:20
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    This is especially good echoes that influ my choice (and of course price.)
    I compose and because of the small prod. Home studio!


    It's okay in the spectrum, set out in the bass. This is prcis everything else. A little dry all the same.

    Same dynamics.

    Stro good when we found a good investment.


    It is my opinion one of the best pair of monitor in this price range.
    A very high precision at the top of the spectrum.
    The rglages EQ are welcome.

    They lack a little box, the acquisition of the sub should sublimate.

    Very good report quality / price.
    Read more
    This is especially good echoes that influ my choice (and of course price.)
    I compose and because of the small prod. Home studio!


    It's okay in the spectrum, set out in the bass. This is prcis everything else. A little dry all the same.

    Same dynamics.

    Stro good when we found a good investment.


    It is my opinion one of the best pair of monitor in this price range.
    A very high precision at the top of the spectrum.
    The rglages EQ are welcome.

    They lack a little box, the acquisition of the sub should sublimate.

    Very good report quality / price.
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  • Anonymous

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 01/24/10 at 09:00
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)


    Trsbonne stro neutrality and image.


    Best qualitprix report in this range.
  • Anonymous


    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 09/10/10 at 14:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Use home studio.
    I needed a listening supplmentaire.


    These speakers have me pleasantly surprises. It took me back to ask them on foot, and more than 50cm from the wall. Without a, c'tait cracra.

    At first, we directly noticed the lack of serious, surprising, and somewhat harsh treble. After you baiss acute -2 dB, the sound is more homogeneous. Low mdiums are a bit cardboard, but remain prcis the superiors mdium are impeccable. The strong point.

    The bass tend to saturate at the rear wind soon as you push too much. That said, they are not made to work well.
    Despite the rglage "control room" (a little rude), they do not like the proximity of the wall. (dropoff Window

    Read more
    Use home studio.
    I needed a listening supplmentaire.


    These speakers have me pleasantly surprises. It took me back to ask them on foot, and more than 50cm from the wall. Without a, c'tait cracra.

    At first, we directly noticed the lack of serious, surprising, and somewhat harsh treble. After you baiss acute -2 dB, the sound is more homogeneous. Low mdiums are a bit cardboard, but remain prcis the superiors mdium are impeccable. The strong point.

    The bass tend to saturate at the rear wind soon as you push too much. That said, they are not made to work well.
    Despite the rglage "control room" (a little rude), they do not like the proximity of the wall. (dropoff Window


    These speakers are worth my taste, much the price (300eur pair). I compare my Focal CMS, and they are well dfendent.
    They must turn the thunder with the sub. Certainly a bit expensive.
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  • Anonymous

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 08/11/09 at 03:08
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    What characteristics have motivated your choice? For what purpose? What amp / What configuration? ... *dropoff Window

    Connected in control room of my mixing desk, I was looking to make a pair ds submixes / mixes my maquettes.Le price (Purchased 130 euros more than the unit honnet).


    Is the frequency curve sufficiently neutral? Is good stereo? The sound is clear and precise across the spectrum? Is the dynamics are respected? ... *dropoff Window

    Curve correct frequency, positioned no problem, 130 euros the walls I repeat and I must say that the rapprort value is unbeatable. At first listen I was shocked, what accuracies, it is neutral, sometimes even too, the defects of my o…
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    What characteristics have motivated your choice? For what purpose? What amp / What configuration? ... *dropoff Window

    Connected in control room of my mixing desk, I was looking to make a pair ds submixes / mixes my maquettes.Le price (Purchased 130 euros more than the unit honnet).


    Is the frequency curve sufficiently neutral? Is good stereo? The sound is clear and precise across the spectrum? Is the dynamics are respected? ... *dropoff Window

    Curve correct frequency, positioned no problem, 130 euros the walls I repeat and I must say that the rapprort value is unbeatable. At first listen I was shocked, what accuracies, it is neutral, sometimes even too, the defects of my old mixes have immediately been put forward, unbelievable acute low medium medium very correct sound perfect, purists say that the curve is not neutral and blah blah blah, 130 euros the pregnant! It's good cam, buy without hesitate to working bounce / mixing .Sauf that as in other opinions ca aU fishing bass level, there is no or too little, two solutions, working low to the mix feeling and listen to his mix of listening on multiple systems and rework the mix, I personally work on several system for listening and I verfie my bass on headphones hd 437 plublic great, I have never had too much problem (I'm hip hop pretty little striped bass or already included in the samples so no problem) after that is a matter of habit. Overall these ptites yam it's very good I put 9, it is neutral, it is flat (too?), Sometimes aggressive treble. Very good monitors for the mix by level against production or compo I can not! just too flat does not motivate me, they do their job bouncing point bar and do very well.


    How long have you use it? What thing do you like most and least? Have you tried many other models before buying it? How would you rate the quality / price? With experience, you do again this choice? ... *dropoff Window

    Yes like everyone else I ecouté other models: KRK RP6, BX5 and prodipe pro 5, the premieres have not convinced me at the price ... the others ... The yam is the best ratio value almost cheaper looking good (pair EUR 220 m for audio, 240 and 260 the prodipe the yam and frankly there is no photos), I boss on dx 4 songs and I mix the yam among a pot my mixes sound pretty good, it has the krk rp 6.
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  • michabeavismichabeavis

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 11/10/09 at 04:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I was looking for a pair of speakers too huge and it is managed, it reminds me of my NS10, the've also taken because my roland ds90a were become too powerful for places rather reduced or I am right now so notice amateur because resell 300euros !!!


    The frquence curve is sufficiently neutral? Everything, really great! again its compactness and what fills me also fishing for small speakers !!!


    since aujourd'hui'hui that I have but damn I'm happy! most as said above its compactness that they also remind me of my NS10, they seem very sturdy too. have had NS10, roland ds90a, krk, jbl, etc clear that I would do the same choice without any hesitations!
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    I was looking for a pair of speakers too huge and it is managed, it reminds me of my NS10, the've also taken because my roland ds90a were become too powerful for places rather reduced or I am right now so notice amateur because resell 300euros !!!


    The frquence curve is sufficiently neutral? Everything, really great! again its compactness and what fills me also fishing for small speakers !!!


    since aujourd'hui'hui that I have but damn I'm happy! most as said above its compactness that they also remind me of my NS10, they seem very sturdy too. have had NS10, roland ds90a, krk, jbl, etc clear that I would do the same choice without any hesitations!
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  • satchuratorsatchurator

    Incomparable quality price!

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 10/27/10 at 04:14
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The report qualitprix!

    For the home stud.



    Image stro excellent.

    Clear and prcises Sonorits.

    In practice it "will aperoit" they have low but they do not "flatter" not just. What personal japprcie.


    For 1 year and I appreciates more.
  • aswilliamsaswilliams

    Pure, Unbiased Sound

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 08/03/14 at 12:23
    I needed a good studio monitor to fit on a smaller desk. My main studio is limited in space and I was careful to find smaller monitors that would still deliver a perfect sound. I went to a local music store and a trusted salesman told me I won't find better than the 50M. They had the newer HS 5 in stock too but they still had a few HS 50Ms in stock as well and he said go with that.

    I use them for mixing, monitoring and mastering my music.


    The stereo image is great. I have two set at the same angle, an equal distance from my chair. Every little detail in my music comes out so clearly that I can't help but notice tiny things that I would never hear in normal speakers.

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    I needed a good studio monitor to fit on a smaller desk. My main studio is limited in space and I was careful to find smaller monitors that would still deliver a perfect sound. I went to a local music store and a trusted salesman told me I won't find better than the 50M. They had the newer HS 5 in stock too but they still had a few HS 50Ms in stock as well and he said go with that.

    I use them for mixing, monitoring and mastering my music.


    The stereo image is great. I have two set at the same angle, an equal distance from my chair. Every little detail in my music comes out so clearly that I can't help but notice tiny things that I would never hear in normal speakers.

    For example, I was mixing a project for a client and he had forgotten to adjust his mic pre-amp gain before recording vocals. He was unable to get another recording to me, so I ran it through an analog mixer to boost the volume a bit. Of course, this caused a bit of background fuzz to appear. After getting rid of as much fuzz as I could, I finished the track and sent it to the client. I explained to him that he may hear fuzz throughout the track and he responded that he couldn't! I listened in many other speakers and couldn't hear it, it only appeared with the honest response of the HS 50Ms.


    I love how detailed the speaker's response is. I especially like that I can listen to the smallest changes I make in effects plugins and tell the difference.

    If you can find these for around $200, they are very much worth it. If you are spending more you may compare them to some more expensive monitors, but otherwise I'd say you can't go wrong.

    If something were to happen to my speakers, I would try to replace them with the 50Ms all over again. They are very nice and give you an honest perspective on the sounds you've recorded.
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  • shyplayshyplay

    HS50: they liked me but as the years at all

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 03/05/14 at 07:38
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    * What characteristics have motivated your choice?

    I did buy for their price and the fact that they have a relatively neutral frequency curve for this award.

    * For what purpose?

    For the electro prod home studio. Mixer with is very difficult.


    * The frequency curve is sufficiently neutral?

    Rather for monitors at this price point but fros lack of serious and many mediums.

    * The sound is clear and precise on the spectrum?

    Not in serious

    * The stereo image is good?

    Satisfactorily. This is what I like most current ON TIME home. Their placement vary a lot that point.

    * The dynamics are respected?

    At optimal listening (unfortunately relatively strong)…
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    * What characteristics have motivated your choice?

    I did buy for their price and the fact that they have a relatively neutral frequency curve for this award.

    * For what purpose?

    For the electro prod home studio. Mixer with is very difficult.


    * The frequency curve is sufficiently neutral?

    Rather for monitors at this price point but fros lack of serious and many mediums.

    * The sound is clear and precise on the spectrum?

    Not in serious

    * The stereo image is good?

    Satisfactorily. This is what I like most current ON TIME home. Their placement vary a lot that point.

    * The dynamics are respected?

    At optimal listening (unfortunately relatively strong), I would say yes as a whole.


    * How long have you use it?

    3 years

    * Did you try many other models before buying it?

    Yes but much more expensive school and his studio.

    * What is the particular feature you like best and least?

    + They are not aggressive, their stereo image is not bad. And they seem fairly neutral from a volume.

    - Big big enough bass (cut to 45 hz) and precision below 200 hz. Many mediums not very clear.

    * How would you rate the quality / price?

    Pretty good but suddenly I recommend instead to save a little and buy a much better listen.

    * With experience, you do again this choice?

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    Walked all that the!

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 02/09/14 at 07:34
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    the size / power ratio
    live in the studio


    a highly regarded sound but for comfort the HS10W is strongly recommended


    whether in the studio, these dirty little terraces and small monitor is a very pleasant sound.
    In a dirty 150 seats they do not run out of steam by the sharp sound of a piano accompanied by a low (4 + 2 HS50M HS10W).
    a clear his present without being aggressive.
    careful when using live no error is allowed, and yes the studio gear is traitor.
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    the size / power ratio
    live in the studio


    a highly regarded sound but for comfort the HS10W is strongly recommended


    whether in the studio, these dirty little terraces and small monitor is a very pleasant sound.
    In a dirty 150 seats they do not run out of steam by the sharp sound of a piano accompanied by a low (4 + 2 HS50M HS10W).
    a clear his present without being aggressive.
    careful when using live no error is allowed, and yes the studio gear is traitor.
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  • Le Garage StudioLe Garage Studio

    I still do my pooper

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 10/25/13 at 07:16
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Studio use, the second listening at the time.
    I was impressed by the reviews and tests. Error.


    The frequency curve is pretty good, except excessive presence of high mids and highs. Not at all an advantage as I have read below. Fortunately you can switch back, even if it's not enough yet quite.


    I had a lot of speaker models. This one is not the worst, but they are not the best.
    We need to stop comparing them to NS10 too, because apart from the color of the boomer, nothing. The NS10 sound boardy metallic those. They make you buy market share with Nurofen for too long listening.
    Once you know them well, you learn to bosser with, and it allows …
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    Studio use, the second listening at the time.
    I was impressed by the reviews and tests. Error.


    The frequency curve is pretty good, except excessive presence of high mids and highs. Not at all an advantage as I have read below. Fortunately you can switch back, even if it's not enough yet quite.


    I had a lot of speaker models. This one is not the worst, but they are not the best.
    We need to stop comparing them to NS10 too, because apart from the color of the boomer, nothing. The NS10 sound boardy metallic those. They make you buy market share with Nurofen for too long listening.
    Once you know them well, you learn to bosser with, and it allows to control the lack of high-certain securities. If it sounds good in it, you are missing the top of the spectrum in your mixes.
    In this range, today, it is better to opt for Eris 5 Presonus or Mackie MR5 MKIII.
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  • DLudoDLudo

    Fun as all

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 08/22/13 at 06:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I needed cheap to 5 inches of 12m2. Plugged into a audiokontrol1 it sounds correct.
    This is my main listening system for tracking all of my guitars, my sessions and mix
    daily listening.


    This is not what is more neutral in the world (at this price you would tell me) I have a feeling that the top medium is greatest, although it presents a formidable precision.
    The stereo image is correct and the dynamics is sensitive.
    The big minus is the lack of bass. The proposed housing seems like a good solution more tolerant neighbors.


    I use them for more than a year. I saw the prodipe and krk 8-inch which seemed absolutely not suitable for my Piece an…
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    I needed cheap to 5 inches of 12m2. Plugged into a audiokontrol1 it sounds correct.
    This is my main listening system for tracking all of my guitars, my sessions and mix
    daily listening.


    This is not what is more neutral in the world (at this price you would tell me) I have a feeling that the top medium is greatest, although it presents a formidable precision.
    The stereo image is correct and the dynamics is sensitive.
    The big minus is the lack of bass. The proposed housing seems like a good solution more tolerant neighbors.


    I use them for more than a year. I saw the prodipe and krk 8-inch which seemed absolutely not suitable for my Piece and for proof, the condition in which I was able to test my config similiares. We lose a lot in precision in the low end and asked ca minimal acoustical treatment. He needs space!
    So for lack of bass for little that we have a faithful headphone knows by heart is overcome the problem cheaply.

    For metal I love them, but electronic music seems faster limited above is my only regret.

    Cepandant white cones are not unpleasant and for the price it was a good product. It's perfect for homestudiste-nomadic-galerien do not have the acoustics suitable for install 8 inches ;)
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  • resetandresetand

    perfection in female

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 07/25/13 at 18:20
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Known for having a very good quality in acute medium. Used for mastering.


    Everything is good!


    Used for a few weeks.

    An old pair of Yamaha 2000s ..

    I like everything except: damage that lack protection in front, like this: http://www.keymusic.com/gfx_productcode/XL/104382/2/HK-Audio-Premium-PRO-12A.jpg

    For low indeed is missing but be aware they are not done! There's still enough especially when you are less than one meter, but provide a better subwoofer / subwoofer ..

    Report / Q / P very good!

    Choice again.
    Read more
    Known for having a very good quality in acute medium. Used for mastering.


    Everything is good!


    Used for a few weeks.

    An old pair of Yamaha 2000s ..

    I like everything except: damage that lack protection in front, like this: http://www.keymusic.com/gfx_productcode/XL/104382/2/HK-Audio-Premium-PRO-12A.jpg

    For low indeed is missing but be aware they are not done! There's still enough especially when you are less than one meter, but provide a better subwoofer / subwoofer ..

    Report / Q / P very good!

    Choice again.
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  • cybertoolcybertool

    well to start

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 05/28/13 at 02:45
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - I was starting, I was looking for my first monitor speakers

    - In my room, now they are in my home studio

    - Used with m-audio mobile pre, EDIROL FA-66, presonus firebox, MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid
    first on PC and then on macbook pro.


    - There is no bass, but I like the sound seems to me pure and light (I found it on several yamaha sound seems to me cold, but I like it is "clean")

    - Forget for low

    - In this price range, it's going but I compared with a whole lot more expensive speakers in star's music the other day and of course it seemed "smaller" and less "spacious" than larger brothels or the sound seemed more "blooming".

    - Yes, good momentum

    Read more
    - I was starting, I was looking for my first monitor speakers

    - In my room, now they are in my home studio

    - Used with m-audio mobile pre, EDIROL FA-66, presonus firebox, MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid
    first on PC and then on macbook pro.


    - There is no bass, but I like the sound seems to me pure and light (I found it on several yamaha sound seems to me cold, but I like it is "clean")

    - Forget for low

    - In this price range, it's going but I compared with a whole lot more expensive speakers in star's music the other day and of course it seemed "smaller" and less "spacious" than larger brothels or the sound seemed more "blooming".

    - Yes, good momentum


    - Since about 6 years

    - My first model

    - They are simple, beautiful, the sound is clean.

    - For the first monitors or extra it does, I will soon buy some more upscale, but I'll keep them in addition.
    Good buy for the budget, you do not take risk
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  • manu286manu286

    THE reference in home studio

    Yamaha HS50MPublished on 04/22/13 at 13:03
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    These speakers have never been a favorite, they were a variety of reasons. As a home studio and I wanted to go upmarket compared to my jbl control one.
    So I went to a store where you could take the time to listen to a decent monitor speakers, in this case at Euroguitar Lille. Incidentally, flee music stores that are not even able to provide a sound study for such speakers.
    Two points were black dots at the time have now become positives. First, the lack of volume in front but since I think it is better to work on volumes levels that we know of habit rather than constantly tweaking the volume and work without markers.
    I also regret the event at the back but it appears well positioned, …
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    These speakers have never been a favorite, they were a variety of reasons. As a home studio and I wanted to go upmarket compared to my jbl control one.
    So I went to a store where you could take the time to listen to a decent monitor speakers, in this case at Euroguitar Lille. Incidentally, flee music stores that are not even able to provide a sound study for such speakers.
    Two points were black dots at the time have now become positives. First, the lack of volume in front but since I think it is better to work on volumes levels that we know of habit rather than constantly tweaking the volume and work without markers.
    I also regret the event at the back but it appears well positioned, given the diameter of the speakers, it is not at all annoying, it will never be low blotchy.
    I also found it unnecessary filters. It is true that they are in a perfect piece or a home studio is essentially an acoustically imperfect room. Finally, Yamaha has adapted well to the customer.


    I was able to compare Genelec 8020, Yamaha MSP5 HS50M, Adam A7 and my favorite JBL LSR2325P
    The frequency curve is not neutral, clearly a bump in the upper midrange and low weakling, but they correspond to their range.
    Under similar conditions, listening to the store gives:
    -8020: Good balance, good bass present, lovely.
    -HS50: Down a little low, stereo average, moving average, not flattering. Excellent value for money. Everything is good but not exceptional for a price two times lower.
    -MSP5: A little more bass than the HS50. A little while a little better but not great. Value average price
    -A7: Surgical, not really low for most represented 7 "Very nice treble, nice stereo..
    - LSR2325P: The slap. Demonic stereo, bass too present a dynamic madness. Finally, it is when we know that they do not cost € 100 more than the HS50M.
    And home with acoustic foam that provides:
    its tiring so a good medium for the switch.
    These low enough to make the minimum but not too much, is to limit the problems of floating rates. So perfect in the final home studio. For mixing low, it will take a good headphone like those of comparative headphones audiofanzine.
    The stereo image is average but still correct.


    I used them 2 years. Following a good opportunity, I went on JBL LSR4326P. This is bad, very bad. It is as if the sound moves from 2D to 3D.

    Most of HS50M:
    -Excellent value for money
    -Low, it has the maximum while avoiding standing waves for a lambda part untreated. They are perfectly suited for a home studio.
    -The filters
    -They sell well

    The least HS50M:
    -It will not be the speakers of your life, but a first step
    -They sound great in any level
    -A buy only if you can not get to the range above .... because we lose a lot. Just the LSR2325P put their big spanking.
    So the big question: Is it time to stay in HS5 or HS50? I think the HS50M still have good days ahead of them. Just because the price of the occasion will beat up and suddenly they retain the advantage quality / price.
    Finally, I can only advise you not to buy sub, especially HS10W overpriced. It is a mess to deal in a home studio, you'll have hollows and bumps everywhere. More interest money will no longer. Watch more on the side of the 8. "Anyway what's the point of throwing infrabasses when you have neighbors. Better start from the beginning ... and go upmarket.
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