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Yamaha MSP5
Yamaha MSP5

Active Monitor from Yamaha belonging to the MSP series

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erickufr erickufr

«  Good studio monitor »

Published on 05/31/12 at 01:01
Listening to store motivated my choice impression of "sound projection" has the same low volume on these speakers is significant.
Amateur home studio use, small room (13m2), I was afraid of running out of power, I realize that the power is more than sufficient.

You do not hear too much about this model in the shop providing fans like me in the beginning of monitoring speakers range but listening really speaks for itself, not the AC jumps to the eyes but ears!


In addition to the dynamic sound very good, I found all the frequencies I'm looking for easy listening, the bass are not present but too well I feel that without this "lack" important thing is not the 8 inches of course but the bass is.
I have not touched the rear switch that allows to modify the response to the bass or treble.
The stereo is good, at least to my perception.


I use them for a month, I found the latest model at the right price (beware there recent models (after consolidation by Yamaha) and other older who can date, the news front side edges rounded and not square like the old. wary of sellers who do not take into account the age of the speakers in their price in time!)

J was able to compare with the HS 50 HS 80 Mackie MR5 KRK Rookit, various prodipes, the choice of these speakers just seemed obvious, you will be able to discuss the fact that I have not experienced a sound engineer and I selected these speakers so subjectively, I simply printing to hear my mix properly on these speakers, without either flattering or too tiring.
I have found this particular dynamic in any of the other speakers mentioned above.

These speakers are heavy for their size, it is reassuring, the value for money looks good to me.
I would do without hesitation that choice