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Behringer Eurorack MX3242X
Behringer Eurorack MX3242X

Analog Mixer from Behringer belonging to the Eurorack series

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sk1t sk1t
Published on 06/14/06 at 05:07
Excellent CHARACTERISTICS Retailer in other reviews.
12U + 2U Rackmount PSU


Trs simple use, good ergonomics.


The equalizer is functional but not very effective. The sound is mtallique and aggressive, it is essential to remove acute on all tracks.
The preamps are rather poor quality and fragile, I have one that I dropped in a year of use.
There is problem of "leakage" of sound with select routing, for example I often have a signal between -30 and-40dB on the master while I drive this signal to a group.


I've had more than a year, I really like the features of this table.
I made this choice because of the price (just over 400 new in Germany), I do not regret it, allowed me to have a good tool for routing an unbeatable price, I knew in the 'I bought fesai concessions on the quality of sound.

It is really a good table trs beginners, have features found on all the tables a bit more analog "pro". Whereas when the table, you really keep the price in mind, comparing an Onyx 1640 for example, is only 30% of the price of it and it was roughly the same functionality merdo .