Latest model in the 900 Series, the 950mx console received multiple improvements, including switchable high and low-pass sweepable filters and a sweepable three-band EQ on the mono input modules, or the addition of a alternate speaker output. Harrison Consoles adds that the 950m and 950mx mono and stereo modules are interchangeable so that users of the first console can benefit from the latest improvements.
The 950mx also includes two distinct mix busses, the first with a transformer-balanced output and the second with an electronically-balanced output. Both busses can be used separately or summed for parallel compression, for instance.
The mono module input channels also feature switchable inserts, a mic/line preamp, 4 aux sends, 100mm faders, two mix bus assignations and a post-fader direct output.
The stereo module inputs are equipped with switchable high and low-pass filters, a 3-band EQ, Balance, channel reverse, mono-sum, input trim, 4 aux sends, 100mm faders and two mix bus assignations.
Input modules are offered by groups of four and are completed with a master section, another mastering section and an Alt output section.
The 24-module version is available in standalone format with optional stands and Harrison adds that additional options are offered to analog gear users, including a desktop 10-rack “sidecar” and an individual 16U rack.
Visit for full details for this new 950mx console.
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