TopicPosted on 05/10/2009 at 17:57:06Newbie ProblemHooking up my gear
I have a Tascam-US122L, a Yamaha MG 10/2 Mixing Board, an Audio Technica Condensor Mic (requires phantom power) and a Creative Audio Audigy LS soundcard in my computer. I am trying to hook it all up to do voice narration.
I have the mic hooked up to the Yamaha board, from the led's I'm sure the board is getting the mic input. I don't know what to do from there.
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
AFfectionate Poster
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 05/11/2009 at 08:18:54
Make sure you activate the phantom power and then connect your Yamaha to the tascam using the ST OUTs of he yamaha to the Line ins of the tascam. You could also just plug your microphone directly into the tascam without going through the Yamaha.