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Korg microKORG
Korg microKORG

Analog Modeling Synth from Korg belonging to the micro series

diss diss
Published on 03/20/08 at 08:34
The keyboard touch-sensitive mini VLOC, 3 octaves
1 + 1 pitch wheel modulation wheel
stereo outputs, headphone jack + + Audio mini jack
71 WAVEFORM FROM MS2000 + 64 FROM dW8000
8-band vocoder Stereo / effects ditables reverb, delay, distortion ...
all compltement ditable
existing PC and free editor
4 voice polyphonic


Configuration gnrale simple when you know the basics of synthse
ditto for the edition of sounds
I personally do not use the manual that undoubtedly must be clear


The sounds should certainly suit all styles of music
accepting the sounds of synths ...
yes they are realistic in relation to analogue machines
but not actual instruments of Contents
one can obtain an infinite range of its
both in bass, lead or the ground ...


I use it for 2 years
I really like everything about this synth vocoder to all
that's just asking to know how to use a vocoder

I have tried a variety of synth from analog to numrique
report quality price is really bloeufant

I would make that choice 1000fois