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An ARP 2600 DIY clone soon available

Zthee, aka The Human Comparator, is working on the prototype of a DIY clone of the ARP 2600 analog synth called Two Thousand Six Hundred, or TTSH.

The TTSH, which should be available this autumn as a kit, will feature the PCB and front panel. Zthee adds that almost everything will be pre-wired and the PCB will be mounted. You’ll then have only a minimum wiring (CV, gate and triggers, as well as the speakers). All the modules will have their own powering connection and LED with adjustable luminosity will be mounted on the sliders. The TTSH is manufactured is Sweden.

You can follow the evolution of the project on thehumancomparator.net.


  • zthee 1 post
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 05/27/2013 at 22:16:09
    Hi, I just came to say the article is wrong - Pre-wired means you don't have to run wires between the jacks / parts. It will not be pre-built. So it's not minimum soldering, it's maximum soldering! -zthee (www.thehumancomparator.net)
  • Banshee in Avalon 144 posts
    Banshee in Avalon
    Honorific member
    Posted on 05/31/2013 at 14:40:34
    Hello zthee,
    Thanks for correcting the news. This information was taken from the muffwiggler forum where you said:
    Everything is prewired and PCB mounted on the board. Slides and jacks. So there is minimal wiring to be done. (CV, gate + trig and speakers.).

    So I guess there were changes in the final design.
    Cheers !

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