My Odyssey is connected via MIDI and patch cables (Gate, Pitch) to a Keystep, which is connected to my DAW via USB.
I can record MIDI clips on a MIDI Track (Ableton)and I get sound return from the Odyssey on the Audio Track, all that it's fine.
The issue is at reproducing the MIDI clip, it won't play the recorded notes in the scale, but just one same note from the scale.
Firmware is updated.
I'm using exactly the same set up with a Moog Subsequent and there's no problem at all. I wonder what's wrong with the Odyssey.
Any suggestions?
[ Post last edited on 03/23/2021 at 16:55:22 ]
New AFfiliate
Member 20 years ago
2Posted on 05/01/2021 at 17:23:38
a start-stop problem ? when you play from your daw it puts the sequencer of the odyssey on ?