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Artec SE2-A 2 Band EQ - " Almost perfect"
translatedSee Previous (2 MODELS SE2 and SE2A whose tones are concentric) UTILIZATION no installation manual on the net but Schma SOUNDS If you have a good instrument with microphones or adquate is exc…
Artec QDD 5-way Distortion - papasteack's review
translatedFound on ebay for 30. It Intgr guitar, a can not bother with pedals when you need a few basic ... http://www.artecsound.com/pickups/electronics/qdd.html It's numrique. It's a bit pnible up, it …
Artec SE2-A 2 Band EQ - the_pins's review
translatedОсобенности: Стационарный предусилитель Bass - 2 потенциометры индивидуальные - Баланс Объем - Концентрические потенциометра - НЧ, ВЧ - Разъем для кабеля батареи - стерео выход Джек (1/4 ")…