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May 15, 2010 editorial: comments

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Topic May 15, 2010 editorial: comments
Dear Fellow Audiofanziners!

Today I had a small discussion with an expert user of an online recording community who said that he is tired of answering newbie questions.  I said to him that there are 4 ways to approach this:

  1. Ignore
  2. Kindly ask them to do their homework first before soliciting help
  3. Flame them and crush their spirit
  4. Answer their questions with lots of patience
Maybe you are an expert or a newbie.  If you are the prior, try not to crush their spirit and worst case scenario just ignore.  If you are a newbie, remember that to receive help you have to demonstrate that you have put in some effort first in trying to solve the issue yourself.  And of course, don't forget to stick around to reciprocate.

In any case, remember that online communities for musicians/producers are there to empower users to control their own musical careers (vs. giving control to record labels, producers etc.).  And this is the vision that we should be holding.

As far as abswering questions from othere,,,,

Most of all remember, We were all rookies once,,,,I even had to learn how to walk when I was born!icon_exorbite.gif

Iseriously, I thank God for all the other musicians that I learned things from over the past 50 years.  Now it's out turn ti help the other guys (and gals)  allong. (And get help with out problems too, None of us knows everything)

Steve 'da ol' SmokeDog in Cleveland
Being patient with 'Newbies' is not only the right thing to do, but it is wise. We never know where and when we may be in need. When I started in 'The Game', you could not find someone more 'Newbie-ish' than me ! Carrying around my little keyboard/workstation/computer & hard drive to the lab, not aware of pro-studio protocol, etc, it was crazy ! Yet, with all of my 'Newbie-ness', within two years of my entering into the so-called 'inner circle' of the business I had worked with, produced and written songs for more Grammy award winning artist than many of the veteran producers, engineers and songwriters who were my contemporaries ! The reason for this is simple. As a 'Newbie' I worked hard and did insane amounts of research. Any veteran I ran into I 'picked their brains' for as much info as I could get and respected each one of them and their experience and HUMBLY as well as gratefully let them know that they were appreciated. Interestingly, in time these same 'seasoned veterans' began to come to me for counsel and guidance regarding their very own careers. In fact, some of them even asked for creative and technical advise in regard to may of their very own projects.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I bring up this point to illustrate the spirit what Chater-La is very kindly trying to pass on. Sometimes we can become so absorbed in our own talents and abilities that we forget that we are all fellow workers in a journey to inspire and move people through our talents. How sad it would be as professionals if we missed the opportunity to encourage the next Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson or whoever simply because we were too self-absorbed to remember and appreciate that we were once 'Newbie's' too. So Newbie's, do your work ! Don't take the easy way out. Try and get every answer you can ON YOUR OWN FIRST, and please do your homework and READ !!! (For Real !). Then utilize the vast treasures of knowledge & insight of those more experienced than you. Veterans, be easy on the 'Newbie's'. Not only is it the right thing to do, but you'll never NEVER know whether that one moment of impatience with a 'Newbie' just cost you a paycheck in the future ! SERIOUSLY ! (Sorry for the long post, guys) - Your Boy, Reub-K
Well said.  I can just add that we are lucky to live in the internet age with lots of forums and lots of info available on line for free!

Gone are the times when you must fork out tens of thousands of dollars for proper sound recording education (though you can still go that route if you'd like and can afford to).

When I started out, it was just when the internet was starting out, and really I wish all these resources existed back then.