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May 22, 2010 editorial: comments

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Topic May 22, 2010 editorial: comments
Dear Fellow Audiofanziners!

I have just published today our treatise on the PC vs. Mac debate.  I must say our Editor Los Teignos did a great job considering the sensitive nature of this topic and the difficulty involved in providing a balanced view.

I am not sure where you stand on the subject.  But I was a Mac owner only once, back in the days when those heavy bulky machines only had a B&W screens.  Still, it was on this ancient beast that I first connected to the online world.  Since then I have been an avid PC chic.  Not really sure, but the whole Apple semi-elitist mentality does not sit well with me.  Sure the machines are classy looking (to go with the classy price tag), and on some parameters perform better- but hey I was never a classy chic ;-) !  Blue collar all the way.

I prefer to subscribe to the use it or lose it mentality of PCs.  I don't want to invest too much, get too attached or worry too much about my PCs.  They are a workhorse I can throw around, and when they are done working (after about 4 years) I just chuck them! True, there are security issues.  True, Windows as an OS is really not god's gift to the world of operating systems.  So I just install a strong anti-virus, brave the onslaught of spam, and wait for the latest stable reincarnation of Windows, or Google's operating system by that time....


No MAC, No Way.

Music is only a small part of my computer use and things like AutoCad and Solid Works and even industry standard Spread Sheets and word prosessors either are really high buck on Mac ( and you have yo use a conversion program that crashes all the time) or they just don't work at all period. 

You can get MIDI and recording software for PC but industrial and business programs are a BIG problem on MAC.

Face it, It's like this....There's Apple and then there's Everything else. (I even have AutoCad on my PC laptop that I  take right on a jobsite. . Let's see you do that with a MAC 

Steve 'da ol' SmokeDog (Bass player at night, Engineer by day)
Yes, I had experienced the arrogance and elitism of the Apple Owner/Management/Distributor insensitive mechanism 20 years ago, and based on their treatment of my concerns, I have decided that if Apple were the only computer or any other product that they market on the planet, I would do without.