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September 25, 2010 editorial: comments

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Topic September 25, 2010 editorial: comments

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs631.snc4/59107_472696451411_64075031411_6619014_709146_n.jpgDear Fellow Audiofanziners!

They are few and far from between, and maybe you love them, maybe you don't, but you gotta say one thing about bands that refuse-to-lay-down-their-guns despite the passage of time and old age:  You have to admire that.  You have to admire a band like Kiss that after all this time manages to earn a paycheck as an entertainer.  Many bands by now would have been reduced to the discount rack at the record store.  But not Kiss, with the bombastic "The Hottest Show on Earth Tour", embracing social networks, facebook free gigs, and online streaming.  Again, more power to you for managing to retain your fan base and acquire new.  Some, not as fortunate, deride Kiss for being nothing more than cartoon characters.  I say, you can't argue with success.

But I also say, maybe it's time to pass the torch, and your share of voice in the music biz to other young up and coming musicians?

But enough about Kiss.  In other amazing news, this past week we broke our own record for current Audiofanzine users online at the same time with over 3,300!  Wow.  Thank you all and please come again!
