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November 20, 2010 editorial: comments

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Topic November 20, 2010 editorial: comments

Dear Audiofanziners!

http://www.glacialridge.org/images/ecards/baby_stork_boy_lg.jpgSo it's a week before Thanksgiving here, and what do we have to be thankful for this year?  Well I will delve into the specifics next week.... But this week were grateful for a new baby boy at Audiofanzine!  Yes, RME Babyface (an external audio interface) arrived at our office in preparation for a written review.  The boys had some fun with it....most notably Los Teignos and you can check out the unpacking of Babyface in this video.  It's a bit in French, but you get the gist.

What else?  I also launched a two part article series on laptops for music production.  Lots have been said about the 'right' computer for music production.  While desktops are cheaper - they are limited to being on top of desks...  In a mobile world, a laptop is a must, but for a truly powerful one for music production, it gets expensive.  So check out part 1 of Lifting the Lid on Audio Laptops.  In the next edition, we go through the great laptop test.

Last thing before I go now is the ultimate acoustic guitar demos series we recorded- all 27 stunning guitars, some well known and prestigious, others you probably never heard of, and maybe you should...
