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October 8, 2011 editorial: comments

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Topic October 8, 2011 editorial: comments

Dear Fellow Audiofanziners!

http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/apple-television-mockup.jpg?w=640&h=463This week marked the tragic yet not surprising death of Apple Co-Founder and technology guru Steve Jobs.  While the subject of my editorial from a month ago (when Jobs stepped down) focused on his contribution to digital media and computing, I prefer the subject of this editorial to be looking forward, not backward.

While I am sure that Apple has a few good product launches lined up in the pipeline, the true test of how Apple will cope without Jobs will be in a few years' time.  I don't want to speculate, though not everybody is replaceable, so I am sure it can never be exactly the same had Jobs carried on.

Moving forward, what about those products in the pipeline?  Did you hear about the latest development from Apple rumored to be the iTV?  Apple's foray into TV and video seems almost natural.  Will the iTV do to TVs what the iPhone did to cell phones?  What is the iTV exactly?  Well, we can surmise that it will be beautifully designed, based on the iOS operating system, and perhaps integrate a video subscription service (watch out cable TV!).  It is rumored to be a 55 inch OLED TV.  We can be sure that it will teach the old TV market a few new tricks.

I for one have long abandoned the traditional TV and its now-almost-compulsary-and-expensive cable subscription in favor of streaming videos, news, documentaries on my laptop.  Maybe Jobs was thinking about people like me when he designed the iTV and maybe I might just take him up on his offer.

For more rumored Apple developments check out this article.
