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March 3, 2012 editorial: comments

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Topic March 3, 2012 editorial: comments

Dear Fellow Audiofanziners,

From time to time I get a cease and desist message from someone’s manager or attorney pointing to a forum thread containing his client's name asking me pretty-please-get-cracking to delete the thread as it is damaging to their client's reputation.  Most of the time, the thread dates a few years back to when the user was just a struggling musician looking to network, and he posted some information that he should not have, or spoke in manner unbecoming of  a current ‘rising artist’.  Now needing to clean up his digital footprint and reputation in general , the manager is left with the dirty job of contacting every site that Google coughs up with his client’s name, referring to a less than glorious past.  Ok so in most cases I edit the post to delete any personal info, which I think is a good chttp://www.careerrocketeer.com/wp-content/uploads/Digital-Footprint.pngompromise.

This issue is nothing new and we all struggle with finding a balance between enjoying the benefits of social media networks and protecting our privacy.  My position is that don’t say/post info that you may not be comfortable with in due time.  But also don’t grow paranoid and become a social media network rejecter.  I always raise an eyebrow when I meet those who refuse to subscribe to any social media, so it is almost impossible to reach them.  At the end of the day I am just Chater-La.  I won’t be running for president any time soon.  I am not so important, and there will not be any paparazzi at my door any time soon.  So if the internet world knows that I like to hike and dive (and now so do you), and I get advertised hiking/diving related products, what do I care?  For me it is a small price to pay for re-connecting with long-lost friends who live far far away, with whom online social networks is the only way we keep in touch.


Totally! If you don't have the guts to stand by what you did or said, then get the hell out and stop being a fake. We have enough "posers" out there. Thanks Chater-la.
Rewriting the past was a favorite tool of the Soviets and NAZIs. Does that need a detailed explanation? As the great American Will Rogers said, "Live your life in just such a way, that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." End of line.
You guys are more eloquent than me. I still have to be somewhat pc in my editorial. But that's how I feel. There is no shame in saying 10 years ago, I was in a different place, since then I evolved, but I don't apologize for who I was back then.