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June 30, 2012 editorial: comments

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Topic June 30, 2012 editorial: comments

Dear Fellow Audiofanziners!

This week two controversial decisions came down that will affect all of our lives as we know it for years to come. 

The first is the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obama’s health care law.  Now, despite what you think about it, I do believe that this sort of ruling will be very beneficial to musicians, artists and other freelancers who do not hold the typical 9-5 with a health care benefit as a perk.  Musicians, quite often hold odd jobs or temporary assignments which do not qualify them for healthcare benefits.   Moreover, most beginning artists are young and healthy, and thus, tend to shrug off the need for health insurance.  Coupled by the high cost of a private plan and the low revenues musicians generate, it is likely that many of the uninsured are artists/freelancers.  The most controversial part of Obamacare- that you must purchase insurance if you don’t have one or get fined, I think should not be looked at as a hidden tax of sorts.  Even if it ends up costing a few hundred dollars per month, it gives the security and peace of mind.  It is like when you are a student and you must purchase the University’s health plan if you http://photos.pcpro.co.uk/images/front_picture_library_PC_Pro/dir_360/it_photo_180007_50.jpgdon’t have one.  Completely free health care plans in the world do not exist.  Event in countries with socialized health care systems there are still monthly co-payments and deductibles for special services.  Let’s at least be happy that where we live we have access to health care at all.

The second momentous news of the week is Microsoft’s decision to delete the Start key from Windows 8!  “What?!” you say, “And why?”  Apparently in usability testing Microsoft found out that people just tend to pin shortcuts on their desktops instead.  Well, maybe if you use a total of 6 apps and a few documents.  But what if you have dozens of applications?  Maybe you don’t use them all every day, but still to dig deep in folders for the .exe file to launch a program….  And let’s not even talk about desktop clutter and all the memory it hogs up.


Hey, can we stick to music and stay out of politics? I can go to a lot of other political forums if I want to talk about health care and listen to other peoples views on it. I signed up for this site to learn about music recording, not political comments :)
Quote from Brightshine:
Hey, can we stick to music and stay out of politics? I can go to a lot of other political forums if I want to talk about health care and listen to other peoples views on it. I signed up for this site to learn about music recording, not political comments :)

Hi! I totally agree with you and I was thinking about this myself, if it was appropriate or not. Finally, I decided to put in my 2 cents because I remembered as a starting musician doing odd jobs, waitressing, I had no health care for years. And finally I had to abandon my freelance jobs and get an office job just for the health care coverage. So I think this is a welcome change for all artists/freelancer. Anyway, thank you for your comment.