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Behringer UM2 - Windy noise problem

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Topic Behringer UM2 - Windy noise problem
Hello everybody!
Recently I purchased a low budget Behringer U-Phoria UM2 Xenyx Preamp to record guitar mainly. However, when I pop up a effect VST or Amplitube alone, there is a high pitched windy static. I checked everything from cables to grounding, switched pc to laptop and the windy noise is still there. However the noise is there despite the In and Outs. The noise that ASIO4ALL Out does is the same the noise to the HD Soundcard Out.
It is not the common Clip, the gain does not exceeds , not even 30%, it is a separate noise from the usual static. The noise fluctuates and turns into a high pitch when i change to Phantom Power +48V.

This is the noise : https://vocaroo.com/i/s16SpKksd9EH
You may want to turn the volume up.

That is an amplitube record, the volume on the guitar wasn't turned on and no microphones, it is just the effects alone that amplify the noise, which is hearable on any recording especially on distortion.

Thank you for your time, waiting response!

PS: I exchanged it with a Lexicon Alpha but is still there, not that aggresive but is still there. Forgot to mention that the noise is present with all the volumes turned down on gain and guitar too, it is not scaling with those two, just grows louder on volume. :(

[ Post last edited on 08/17/2016 at 16:47:38 ]