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Scarlett Focusrite 2i4 help

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  • 2 participants
Topic Scarlett Focusrite 2i4 help
Hello people im new here so i might try to find anykind of help here.

Its been like year and half since i used my 2i4 for last time with old computer everything work perfectly and installing was so simple then but now..
I Began to use 2i4 again,but now with new computer and stuff..
Installed Drivers from focusrite website as usual and everything went kinda successfully but..i cant get any sound outta it..
Watched couple videos at youtube about this..changed up some things at Control Panel>Sound..but it still all the same.
Not any signal from Control panel>sound..but focusrite USB is ready to use
Also the green volume knobs wont flash even even if everything is connected..

I'm sorry if this question is asked or something may sound funny
I'm new to those things..Can't say if something is my audio interface is broken cuz its kinda barely used.
Using it for vocals.
Thanks you

Greetings from Estoia!
Hi IngvarPriks,

I'm Alex from Focusrite Tech Support and I'd like to try and help with your problems with your Scarlett 2i4.

First please ensure you are using the most recent driver which is available here.


you will need to select the Scarlett 2i4 as the Default Playback device in Control Panel > Sound > Playback Devices.

Then please make sure that the driver isn't being exclusively used by the computer by following the steps in this article.


If you are still getting problems then please open a support ticket with us directly so that we can troubleshoot further.

Best regards,

Alex Bull // Focusrite Tech Support