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Thread will this do the job?

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Topic will this do the job?
ive purchased a delta1010 (soundcard with 8 analogue ins and outs). i want a desk that will connect the individual channels to the individual ins so i can record on seperate channels. i also want the outs to link to the desk so i can edit on the desk with seperate channels. Sorry if im not being very clear. will this desk do the job? https://www.dv247.com/invt/6637/ if not can some-one suggest a desk that will for the similar cost.
would i be able to send seperate channels (mono1-8) and have them return to the same channel?
would i then be able to hook the outputs from the delta 1010 back into the desk? ive also found this little beauty, would this meet the requirements https://www.dv247.com/invt/33953/