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Beginner in PC recording

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Topic Beginner in PC recording
Hello! This is my first post. I want to get into home recording using my PC but I dont know where to start. I've looked a bit into it and it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) you need a soundcard and a sequencer + whatever you plug the guitar into (amp, POD etc). Can anyone suggest some good budget soundcards and sequncers for me? My budget is £400 but my guitar teacher (who uses Pro Tools TDM) says I should buy a POD because that's one of the best and cheap ways to get a good sound recorded.
Sorry for ranting!

Edit: I realised it would probably help to know my PC's spec and if there is anything there that needs to be upgraded. Here it is!
Dell w/ Windows XP
60Gb Hard Drive
1.8 Ghz Pentium 4 Processer
256mbs of RAM