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Delay problem

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Topic Delay problem
I have a SB Live value, trying to dub in a guitar track on top of an existing midi drum track on cakewalk pro audio. Just running the guitar into a channel on my PA and then taking the tape out rca jacks staraight
into my line in on the soundcard. Sounds ok while recording, but there is a delay on playback. I understand this is not supposed to happen with a full duplex soundcard, so then why is it happening with mine and what can i do?
Thanks, Neil
Hello neiwhi,

I once had an SB Live! and frankly, it's latency at full duplex settings can be ridiculously high if you are using Creative's standard drivers. It's entirely probable you're using the MME drivers which are Windows legacy and have a fixed latency of 335 ms if I remember right. Try using WDM drivers instead.

There are 2 other options available to you. a) Look for the ASIO4ALL drivers. Not a driver really, but more of a wrapper that puts ASIO functionality around WDM. A lot of people have noticed improved performance when using ASIO4ALL. b) Try the kx drivers. You can find them at kxproject.com - these are advanced drivers that give you very good performance but can be quite technical to setup. I've used both and can attest to their effectiveness.

i can co-sign for the asio4all and kx..

i had both installed on a friends computer and eventually the asio4all was the better choice..