Studio Considerations - Making a Studio Pt.1
LearningThe magic of the recording studio has often mystified even the most seasoned professionals. With all the knobs, switches and buttons on various gear and large format consoles, no wonder confusion set…
Introduction - Using a Mixer: Rehearsals
LearningBefore you’re ready for arenas and stadiums, where you’d no doubt call on the services of an experienced sound technician, you need to rehearse. And as long as you’re rehearsing you might as well do …
Software Comparison - Time Stretching & Pitch Shifting: Comparison Part I
LearningOK, here we go! This is the first of our comparative software tests on time-stretching and pitch-shifting. The competitors: 26 Mac and PC programs, from big sequencers to small applications, plug-ins…
Microphone Types - Microphones: How to choose
LearningLong the role of the professional sound engineer, choosing the appropriate microphone has now become, with the proliferation of the home studio, the task of the amateur and even the beginner. This ch…
GM, GS & XG: A Little History - MIDI: The GM Standard and its Extensions
LearningMany sound cards and synthesizers, as well as most audio software, are compatible with one of the three midi norms (GM, GS, XG). Though MIDI has long since proven its utility, the existence of differ…
Christmas Shopping - Gifts for Music Lovers
LearningAre you tired of receiving boxes of chocolate every Christmas? You can’t take another hand-knitted sweater from your aunt and you’d like the bottom of the tree to look a little more…musical? Here’s a…
Choosing an electric guitar - Choosing an electric guitar
LearningEven though the look of a guitar is a big factor in one’s desire to play this instrument, there are other things to consider when choosing a guitar. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking …